The goal of this workshop is to call for a converged
effort to understand the opportunities and challenges emerging in
egocentric vision, to identify key tasks and evaluate the state of the art,
and to discuss future directions. We invite submissions in all fields of
vision that explore the egocentric perspective, including, but not limited
- Egocentric object detection, recognition and
- Egocentric activity and action recognition
- Egocentric vision in detecting activities of daily
- Egocentric vision in ubiquitous computing
- Leveraging first-person gaze for egocentric vision
- Human computer/robot interaction using egocentric
- Online learning and modeling of objects and scenes
- Data collection, benchmarking, and performance
- Integration of egocentric vision with other sensors
- Feature detection, tracking, and matching in
egocentric video
- Motion analysis and scene segmentation with moving
- Localization and visual SLAM in everyday environments
- Machine learning techniques in egocentric vision